We are located at Eton Farm, 145 Summerfield Rd in Serpentine. The school site is situated on a portion of the farm; however, the whole 160 acres is available for the school to use.
Eton Farm is a working farm with Beef Cattle and Horse Agistment.
We are located at Eton Farm, 145 Summerfield Rd in Serpentine. The school site is situated on a portion of the farm; however, the whole 160 acres is available for the school to use.
Eton Farm is a working farm with Beef Cattle and Horse Agistment.
We started the school in 2020 with 3 Primary and 12 part time students.
Our goal is to maintain small class sizes of no more than 15 per class.
Our classes are named using Noongar bird names:
Kindy is Wardung (crow) with 12 students; Pre-Primary is Djidy-Djidy(Willy Wagtail) 15 students; Primary classes – students from Yr 1 to 5 are: Manjitj (White Cockatoo), Kaarak (Black Cockatoo) and Waalitj (Eagle) with students numbers around 35 students across the three classes. These numbers are current at the beginning of 2024.
Our building plans for 2024 will include two new primary classrooms and hopefully, a purpose built Art and Music Room.
In 2024 we offer classes :
Pre-Kindy: 1 1/2 days per week
Kindy: 2 days for first term and 3 days for terms 2,3 & 4.
Pre-Primary to Year 5 are compulsory schooling and is full time.
In addition, we also offer Art & Music classes for Under 3’s and 2 year old’s ( Tutus’) each term.
In 2024 we have mixed age groups in our primary years. We always consider the needs of the students first and determine what class group they should be a part of for the very best outcome for their learning needs.
Students do not wear a uniform.
Primary students start the day with Music and also have other classes during the week.
Pre-Kindy and Kindy students have two sessions of Music and Art each week.
All students have Art classes with our Art teacher Trish in a designated indoor/outdoor space named after the Noongar word for Magpie – ‘Coolbardi’.
Play is an important part of our day. Structured and unstructured! Primary students get a ‘brain break’ outside when they full of knowledge and need a breath of fresh air!
On the farm there is a mud patch (in the Winter) which is yearned for, during the summer months.
We teach Noongar as a language.
Our class sizes for the Primary students will never exceed 20 and we will always consider the cohort and the needs of the students. Class sizes will be determined by this consideration.
We don’t punish or degrade any child. Our behaviour management is based on the needs of the students at the moment.
We encourage the students to make the right choices, take responsibility for their own actions and for them to understand that there is a right and wrong with consequences for all actions.
We want our students to be resilient and take calculated risks.
Classes for Pre-Kindy are 10, Kindy 12 and Pre-Primary 15 as a maximum.
There is no homework. If we don’t cover it during the day it can be picked up at another time.
Excursions are an important part of our program. We plan at least one major excursion every term, however, there are usually more including incursions too!
We have a School Bus so we can take the children on regular excursions or outings to maximise the opportunities available in our location of Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale .
We are involved in Community events like National Tree Day, Food and Farm Fest.
We are National Child Safe Organisation.
We are a Sun Smart School.
We are a Waste-Sorted School
All children attending our school need to be vaccinated as part of our school Enrolment Policy.
There are exemptions that are available as set out W.A. Health Department, more information here.
Trish – Art Teacher and Curriculum Co-ordinator
Sophia– Primary class teacher
Grace- Primary class teacher
Mel-Kindy teacher
Sharon C – Pre-Primary teacher
Sharon PB – Pre-Kindy teacher and Primary class teacher
Jen- Primary class teacher and PE teacher
Belinda-Education Assistant
Tennille – Education Assistant
Emily – Education Assistant
India- Education Assistant
Principal Mary is also a Music Teacher.
See here for our current fee schedule
We welcome students to our school from Pre-Kindy to Yr 5.
We endeavour to make “reasonable adjustments” to the school’s learning environment and curriculum delivery to accomodate students needs. It is important when considering these needs that we apply a fair and equitable process which ensures that the existing cohort needs are still met.
When determining the priority of enrolment, consideration is given to:
To gain enrolment in Eton Farm Education; we have a three (3) step procedure:
We have a gender-neutral learning environment in which teachers and students avoid gender stereotyping and aim to ensure that all learners are appreciated, respected and treated equally.
Our teaching programs cover the eight learning areas outlined in the West Australian Curriculum.
We highly value the support of parents and carers. Parents and carers are welcome during events, either excursions and incursions and social events during the year.
An important role for any parent or carer is to become a member of the School Board. Here you will be able to make decisions for the future and help to develop our young and burgeoning school.
It is important that Parents and Carers are supportive of our philosophy as we believe that children flourish if Parent/Carer and teachers work together in harmony with the child’s best interest at the forefront.