3 & 4 Year Olds


Our Kindy classes plan to help the three year olds to the transition into the start of ‘real’ school as they are turning four. The class size of 12 students will give them the chance to learn individually and with Music, Art, Play. They will learn how to share, socialise and begin to experience core subjects in a fun, hands-on approach.

See Enrolment Info

What to expect at Kindy

How many days does my child attend?

Term 1
Two full days

Term 2/3/4
Three full days

When is it?


Term 1
Kindy – Wednesday 8:45am – 3:30pm and Friday 8:45 to 2:30pm

Term 2 / 3 & 4

Kindy – Monday and Wednesday  8:45am – 3:30pm and Friday 8:45 to 2:30pm

When does my child start?

Children who are 4 or are turning 4 before the 30th of June that year.

See if your child is the correct age for Kindy here.

A day in the life of a Kindy kid.

The Kindy’s start their day with the Pre-Primary and Primary students where the first 15 minutes of our school day is for the children to settle, play, socialise with friends and chatting with the teachers.

In this time children can make the transition from home and prepare to start their day at school.

All school students continue their day with Music, singing, dancing and playing with Mary .

Our Kindy class has also a focus on Art, Music and Nature Play but we also begin to become more focused on Literacy and Maths in an exciting and hands on way. Once again, we are focusing on Early Literacy skills, Foundation maths and fine motor skills.

Outcomes for Kindy’s are taken from the Early Years Learning Framework : Becoming, Being and Belonging. See here for more information.

Want to get started with Eton Farm Primary School?